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blog entry written in manic three minutes

It's November. How the hell did that happen? Halloween lasted for four days, which were all pretty awesome (I have to say our sold out show at Fat Baby was the highlight for me -- could Morning Theft have been any more phenomenal as Weezer? Dan Byrne even busted out the argyle sweater!), but now I'm glad it's over. Working two jobs is hard enough without having to worry about what ridiculous costume I'm going to wear while doing them.

Anyways, tonight you should go to Gothamist's Movable Hype show. Obviously I am not the first nor the last person to mention this, but seriously, Gothamist is awesome (I mean how else would I know about radio for cats??? AWESOME... the photo... wow). It's the one year anniversary of these shows too, which I think is the paper anniversary so maybe you should bring a nice card with you or draw something pretty on the napkin you put your free beer on (YEP FREE BEER. COOL.).

Ok that's all I have time to offer today, but if you love Snowden tonight and you love me or you love bands or whatever... oh just go to this show please. Thank you.


thank you thank you thank you