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how is it already oc-fucking-tober

not a lot to say today.... the weekend was great, popfrenzy! especially and Peter did an amazing job his first time DJing. He pulled out a bunch of rarities and the crowd was absolutely loving it. Now if only someone could get him to update his blog... pictures will be up soon!

the rest of the weekend was spent catching up on some much needed sleep. we attempted to see Bloc Party on Saturday but took one look at the line stretching all the way down the block from the Tribeca Grand and changed our minds. Better luck next time! Instead we ate a delicious steak dinner and kicked off the Star Wars marathon. I have to say that, despite my previous reservations, the new dvd versions of the movies look AMAZING. When I got home I discovered that my roommate bought his own set for our apartment, which rocks.

Here's what is going on tonight....

The GoStation @ Mercury Lounge. Come say hi if you see me there. Then follow us to Eleven for Audrey's Atomique party featuring guest DJ Christian from everyone's favorite local band Benzos. Really, even my exboyfriend likes Benzos. Mondays are getting kind of crazy lately... who would have thought.

oh the things that wind up in my inbox

tonight, tonight...