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zomg a blog by me about flosstradamus

I have at least three good friends who are OBSESSED (or so it seems) with DJings current golden boys, Chicago's Flosstradamus. Literally, if these three have the chance to see this duo in action, they WILL NOT skip a beat to be there. It's sort of like a cult-ish following although certainly a cult of awesome.

Flosstradamus recently did this amazing remix of "Yea Yeah" by every hip-er than-thou hipster's favorite act Matt and Kim which completely rocks and I think would be a perfect addition to the 4pm office dance party. In any event, it has certainly brightened my rainy day bluess so check it out, and go see Flosstradamus spin tonight at Hiro -- I know at least three people who are sure to be there!

Matt & Kim - Yea Yeah (Flosstradamus Remix)

the cribs: new album, sounding great, no blood, aging well

interpol leaked (sort of)