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wicked pissah!

This morning I checked the away message of my old roommate from Boston who moved back there this summer.

It read simply: "What now?"

Actually a pretty good question to the generations who have devoted themselves to the singular goal of having the Red Sox win the World Series and trump the Yankees in the process. What can you even do for an encore to that?

My idea? Cubbies in 2005! Anything is possible.

I'm very happy for my Boston fans this morning, and all the crazy people we saw on the streets last night. My personal favorite was the guy running down the street just yelling "pissah! pissah! PISSAH!" over and over again.

Alright, I think that's enough talk about baseball for a long time. Back to your regularly scheduled blog. Very little has been going on show-wise lately. We're hoping to catch ">The Twenty Twos with Unisex Salon and Baby at Pianos on Halloween, and maybe see some of the interesting surprise guest DJs that we have heard rumors about for the weekends festivities.

But of course the main attraction tonight is Benzos at Irving Plaza supporting Blonde Redhead. I think tickets are still available. A very exciting booking for the band, and more great things are sure to come. Also tonight there is apparently a "pirate party" at Lit. Arrrrrrrrr!

it was a graveyard smash

while it's on my mind there's a girl that fits the crime