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sex and drugs and celebrities oh my

So last night Lindsay took me as her plus one to the FHM party for Jamie Lynn DiScala's latest foray into acting and as their latest cover model. These are all people that I have worked with at my last job. Anyways, two complimentary fruity rum drinks and Lindsay and I were on a roll. We met a VJ from MTV who told me he worked for Norelco and made 5 blade razors (that's a lot of razors, I replied. I'm so astute). James Gandolfini was there, and Lindsay got hit on by a lot of balding middle age men. We ended up in the VIP room where they had crab puffs and free white castle (Jimmy, you would have been in heaven) cheeseburgers. Suddenly I was doing shots with Jamie's brother and her dad, and then stumbling to the coat room so that I could meet Danielle at Lit.

I think I was in Lit for approx five minutes, just enough time to give Erik a birthday party invite, say hi to DJ Jason, watch Danielle fall over something and then I was in a cab headed for home, where my roommate ordered overpriced food from Anytime for me and let me watch Princess Diana scccaaandelous tapes on Tivo before I passed out.

Tonight I was SO going to stay home and maybe bake muffins or do other domestic things, but now Tom has called and off I go. Staying put is just not my thing.